Presently, is at the Forefront of “Destroy Microsoft 2.0”

Presently is not yet a good way to create a stunning decks, although it’s a fantastic way to share and collaborate all of the contents of a one. Google still hasn’t created a compelling way to create presentations, nor have they with documents, but that matters very little. What they are doing a better is taking the strengths of delivering software on the cloud. Google isn’t worried about being the best Power Point or Keynote producing software, what they are interested in is taking these platforms, embracing them, and then extending them.

Also important to note, there are so many companies that want a piece of Microsoft’s Office’s money making dominance that Microsoft should be glad that Office 2007 is a solid product. (With a fast processor on XP) IBM is getting ready to release plans to Kill Office with Symphony  IBM has released Symphony, and so I guess you can say that Google’s Defiance to Microsoft’s dominance has emboldened all of Microsoft’s competition to come at it from all angles atat once. 

Other companies such as Electric Rain are busy getting ready to deliver the next generation of presentation software, namely Standout, which when released will be by far the best way to create a compelling, stunning deck with a lot shine.

A quick look at Google Presently:

From the "File" menu, you pre presently presented with the options to:

  • Google_PresentlyOpen a New Presentation
  • Upload a file (PPT, etc.)
  • Save
  • Save as a new presentation
  • Rename
  • Delete Presentation
  • Printable View
  • Save as Zip
  • Start Presentation (CTL + F5)
  • Discard Changes
  • Save & Close

Also, you can expect to find most or all of outline and markup abilities found in Google Docs including:

  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Change font (The five majors)
  • Change Text Size
  • Change Text Color
  • Change or Create Text Highlight
  • Create a link
  • Ordered List, Numbered and bulleted
  • Indent left and right
  • Align left, center and right
  • Remote formatting

There are also revision buttons in which you can "Summon" previous versions of the document so that you can perhaps recall a change that wasn’t supposed to be made.


So there it is, Google Presently, currently a good way to create basic presentations online, but a better way to store, publish and collaborate on documents that were first created in offline, rich document authoring programs like Power point, Apple’s Keynote 08. Also, Google will not have the first presentation software with built in conferencing. Currently Adobe Acrobat Connect Professional allows professionals to use the widely deployed Adobe Acrobat , Flash and Video production platforms to create, edit, review, share, publish, screen sharing and even create conferences online. You can check out a demo here.

Google is taking the simple approach to a presentation platform, but their strategy is not a bad one. Let traditional software companies be the offline rich editor, but let them save to our online collaborative, platform where we can then embrace and extend your platform. Google and Microsoft are fiercely competing to be your Cloud Computer. The cloud computer is your free advertising supported computer in the sky that acts as a hard drive and processor. The network is the computer was Sun Microsystems’ slogan from over a decade ago. Too bad most people were still not using at 56k modem yet.

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